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The Sydney Royal Easter Show


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The Easter Show

All the fun of a family fair! The Sydney Royal Easter Show, featuring the world premire of The Saddle Club Arena Show, LIVE!

The Sydney Royal Easter Show is an annual event which brings crowds from all over Australia. When you pick up the paper's during Easter they'll always be an article about "Mrs. Smith from Perth, enjoying the show more than last year" or "Mr. Bob, from Darwin, disappointed with the fresh food and veggies pavillion." But this year, crowds were up. Australia has taken a leaf out of Canada's, teaming up with Canada's Protocol Entertainment Inc. and Australian Crawfords Productions to bring The Saddle Club Arena Show to the SuperDome along with roughly 10,000 eager fans for each daily show throughout the 2 and a half week duration of the show.

Opening moments: The girls patting their horses.

Ashley and Kristi- "Angel is just TO fat!"

The Saddle Club girls leave the stage to...

"A pony is a girl's best friend, you know" sings Ashley to Angel


"A bridle, a saddle..." sings Jannelle




"Is my eyeliner straight?" askes Kristi during the new version of We Got Style with Veronica



The Saddle Club Arena Show stars everyone's favourite characters from the popular ABC TV series, The Saddle Club, Lisa, Carole and Stevie, played by Lara Marshall, Keenan Macwilliam and Sophie Bennett. Of course The Saddle Club wouldn't be complete without the very rich, snobby, arch enemy Veronica DiAngelo (played by Heli Simpson, who unfortunately could no accept inviation to be a part of the show, is played by Caledonia Conner) and her parnter in crime, Kristi (Kia Luby). And where would Kristi be without Ashley (Jannelle Corlass-Brown)? And of course where would any of these girls be without their beloved horses, Prancer, Starlight and Belle, Garnet, Dime and Angel.
The upcoming Cross Country Tag Race is the talk of Pine Hollow Stables with Veronica and Kristi convinced with their third rider, Juniour Champion Erica Figgs that they'll easily out do The Saddle Club. But just to top it off, they make sure the charity function that Lisa is commited to play will be on the same day and The Saddle Club are left without a third rider until Carole calls Murrary to the rescue. The chairty function cancelled Lisa races back to see the end of the race only to find out that Prancer has thrown a shoe and Murray can't finish the race. Lisa sends Ashley on her pony Angel to tell the annoucer that Lisa will race on newly rescued Diablo instead and pulls through to bring The Saddle Club home first in the race.
The girls ended the show with re-entrance to the arena in a white carriage drawn by two beautiful white horses singing We Can Do Anything and the cast ended the show with a round of all our favourite Saddle Club songs including Come On Everybody and Hello World.
The girls have been all over the papers, and we've gathered as many newspaper articles as we can below.

Hot to trot- stars saddle up for a show stampede

Show Me The Showbags

Star Attractions

In The Saddle

The Royal Easter Show, once the...

Pony Tales have fans in rapture

Parents bridle as Saddle Club Fans turned away