Michael Chisholm:
Costume Design: if you love shopping then maybe this is the job for you!
Part of Michael's breif is to design, buy or make at least 20 outfits for our favourite teenaged stars, which the girls will like, will suit the character, and play its part in the tedious filming. Michael has done this with amazing style and efficiency while still upholding a strong character in himself.
"I have been in the film and television business for over 21 years so I am pretty adept at dressing a series," Michael tells us. "Apart from being a great shopper I also did Psychology for three years and I think both help."
The Saddle Club girls are three completely different people, which means that each has different style in dressing. No doubt the girls are extremely passonaite about their horses but, like all other teenagers they also like different music and fashion. Michael tells us that "It's important to make the series look bright, colourful and have the young stars dressed in gear which will appeal to their contemporaries. They are attractive girls and it isn't hard to make them look good, even though their characters aren't meant to be fashion plates."
"Carole is dressed in the latest styles with lots of purple and lime greens; she carries those colours well and it's a good look. Stevie is a bit of a tomboy and we have given her more a boyish look but still pretty and colourful. And she definitely has a style of her own. Lisa loves wearing nice clothes and looks great in them."
Michael explains that a lot of teenagers now chose clothes that are baggy and shapeless but for this show, it just won't do. "We individualize the gear to show off the girls and fit them well. They're mini adults now and should look as good as possible. It's an exciting era in fashion at the moment and we have stayed away from the bland and gone for a more interesting, brighter look."
And what happens if the actor will not wear the costumes? Michael says, ? "I take five deep breaths, stand back and don't over react. Then I encourage some discussion and work out whether there is another agenda. On the one hand, it's no good sending an actor out on set in a garment which they are not happy with but if you give in you are setting yourself up for a load of trouble. That's where my years of psychology really kick. I sit them down and say I am happy for them to tell me what things they don't like and we will discuss it. But we are dressing the character, not them, and we have to accommodate the practical aspects of filming so they are not always going to get what they want. They always come around in the end."
Michael started his career with Network 10, buying for the hit 80's show Young Talent Time, which produced names such as Dannii Minouge and from there his career went right up. He has developed a string of people throughout the clothes indurstry and knows all the little hot spots for a perfect item which will just add that extra something special to a characters waredrobe.
Michael tells us that long days, up to 10 hours are not unusual and weekend work days are also common, but its all worth it in the end!