These are the horses that appear sometimes on the show, like guest actors, in horse form! They aren't permant on the show but once the shows come back on I will put up more infomation about each one.
Hugo: is a French champion dressage. He is a big, grey Andalusian with white socks and a 'crescent of A' brand and he is owned by Dorothee.
Angel: has been sent to Red for trainning because she runs away with riders.
Bert: is Davids horse and is being stabled at Pine Hollow while David's parents rebuild their barn. Bert is naughty and hard to control and he can also get out of his stall by himself.
Diablo: is a black friesian horse who was orginally owned by Raffael. He is a special horse because he can sense where Raffael is and always comes back to Raffael.
Storm: is a mistreated horse that Lisa chooses to be Pine Hollow's first foster horse.
Windsong: is found to have a reaction to natural remidies. He is a throughbreed racehorse.