Dorothče is a 17 year old and a little out of order. She comes Pine Hollow to straighten herelf out but six months before she even got to Australia she was the Junior European Eventing Champion. Unfortunatly for Dorothče she had a serious fall while she was competeing at Badmintion. She broke her pelvis and spent 8 weeks in hospital but more than physical pain, she suffered phycolgocial trauma. She felt that the judges had pushed her young horse, Hugo to hard, which caused the accident.
She self esteem turned into completely nothing and she seems to be stuck in denial about her life as a rider. She has become completely withdrawn and solitray so her parents decide to send her to Pine Hollow and hope that the change of backdrop will be good for her. They send her beloved horse, Hugo to Pine Hollow as a surprise for when she gets there.
The Saddle Club are very curious about this young woman and decide that they must get to the bottom of the mystrey.