Drew Regnery is Max's cousian and when Max is invited to France to work in a state-of-the-art warm-blood breeding barn Drew takes the chance to step into Max's shoes. He has always thought that Pine Hollow could be better run and though he has always liked Max Drew always thought he was a little to much of a down and country boy.
Drew a nice person, likeable, and he doesn't make any drastic changes to Pine Hollow straight away, but he is adament that Pine Hollow should step on a more business like path and this leads him into forging business with Mr. DiAngelo, though that is a way down the trail yet.
Drew's ideas and plans to changes Pine Hollow have an unexpected effect on Debroah. She sees how important the Regenery tradition is to Max and Mrs. Reg and suddenly finds herself defending the tradional Pine Hollow ways.
Drew is not just an entrepreneur he is good with people and a lot of fun and all the girls at Pine Hollow take to him because of his warm humor and because of his difference to Max.