SADDLE up! That snobby Veronica is at it again, and for teenage friends Lisa, Stevie and Carole, and their horses Prancer, Belle and Starlight, this will be the greatest adventure of all.
Headlining this year's Sydney Royal Easter Show, stars of the hit ABC TV series the Saddle Club are set to lift the lid off the SuperDome with the world premiere of their live musical Saddle Club Arena Show.
Following the adventures of young riders Lisa Atwood, Stevie Lake and Carole Hanson, played by Australian Lara Jean Marshall and Canadains Sophie Bennett and Keenan Macwilliam- The Saddle Club TV series is a joint Canadian/Austraian production based on the novels of Bonnie Byrant. Filmed in Victoria, it's a smash hit in both countries.
Since the first episode, when, on her first day at Pine Hollow Stables, Lisa folied a plot by Vernica di ngelo (played by Australian Heli Simpson) to endanger Stevie, a generation has grown up with the three friends. Now, as teenagers, the trio has adolescent issues to deal with- first love, parent problems and the discovery that even snobby Veronica isn't all that bad- but still find time for fun and adventure.
And music. The girls, now all 15, have a string of hit singles to their credit and an ARIA nomination for best original soundtrack album.
The Saddle Club Arena Showfeatures the trio's hits and new songs in an extravaganza of trick riding, racing, comedy and drama, set amid an old friend or a beloved horse?
Find out when The Saddle Club performs live in the SuperDome from Friday, April 2nd, to Wednesday April 7th, and again from Friday, April 9th to Monday April 12th.
The Saddle Club Arena Show has been developed by Crawford Proudctions (Australia) and Protocol Entertainment (Canada) in accociation with the Royal Argicultural Society of NSW.
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